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The cataract is usually removed by a small incision made in the outer white coating of the eye (the sclera) or through the cornea (clear corneal incision). You can see how this occurs by looking at Videos.


Most cataract operations are done under local anaesthetic, although general anaesthetic is sometimes used. The advantages of local anaesthetic are that the patient feels more alert sooner. Patients may have a general anaesthetic if they wish and are suitable medically. The choice of the type of anaesthetic used, is made between you, the anaesthetist and your doctor.

The surgery usually lasts about half an hour and you are usually only in hospital for a few hours. Hospitalisation overnight is not necessary.

Patients are advised of all costs involved in the procedure including hospital costs at their consultation. For those patients who do not have private health insurance Medicare will contribute towards some of the doctor’s fee. Any concerns in relation to fees and charges can be discussed with our Reception Staff who will only be too pleased to help you.


Victorian Eye Surgeons

95 Paisley Street

Footscray, VIC, 3011



P: (03) 8378 1000

F: (03) 8378 1099


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